Wolfgang Schewe, pioneer of the Ruegen “renaissance”. It is no coincidence that Wolfgang Schewe’s house was one of the first new hotel constructions in Binz on Ruegen, back in 1995. After all, pioneer spirit runs large in this family. For a long time, his parents used to work in their famous bakery in Gingst on the island’s west side and with their entrepreneurship and exemplary diligence certainly had a formative influence on Schewe and his siblings, who continue to be just as successful in their parents’ line of business. To this day, quite a few old Schewe cake recipes still bear witness to this time and shall remain to do so.
For all his life, his adventure gen has inspired founder and owner Wolfgang Schewe to explore bold ideas. A crucial turning point in his life certainly was his politically motivated emigration from the then GDR. In 1987, after a long struggle and many risks, he was finally able to move from East Berlin to West Berlin. From this point forward, he was able to work in his learned profession as a certified engineer in the free part of Germany. Shortly after the reunification in 1990, he returned to his beloved island to once again roll up his sleeves and tackle the tasks at hand, as he recognized the time and opportunity for immediate action. A step like this certainly requires a lot of courage and risk-taking propensity, but fortunately confidence and assertiveness had always been his forte. ”Even today, I get asked quite often, how did you hit on this idea? My answer: First and foremost, intuition and the courage to explore new ideas because nothing ventured, nothing gained and … yes, you cannot fully explain it.”
Some time later, he called a wholesale for ice cream and frozen food his own, supplying the island of Ruegen and beyond with cold treats from Nestle Schoeller. That being the actual beginning of his career, the journey from ice cream to ice cream parlour seemed almost inevitable. On the exact spot the hotel is situated today, the music café and ice cream parlour “Sahara”, a popular and legendary meeting place, used to be the place for the finest live music on the beach. Up until one evening, when Wolfgang Schewe looked upon the promenade and thought: “Actually, this beautiful place and prime location deserves something even better.” No sooner thought than done: Three years later, the HOTEL AM MEER first opened its doors to its guests.
For everyone interested – that was simply the short version. There’s more to tell in person, if time and interest allows!